
Wife Seduction Manual- Chapter 19

Chapter 19 : Drive her home

After having s£x and cleaning up a little, Chen Guo opened the car door and got in with Yang Yue.

Using the lights in the car, Yang Yue saw that the left side of Chen Guo's face was noticeably swollen and the right side was slightly swollen.

He paused for a moment and asked, "Why is your face swollen?"

Chen Guo criticized him rudely: "Didn't you say that you are not interested in other people's affairs?"


Yang Yue chuckled. He had never seen such a vengeful woman.

He slowly pressed forward with his whole body, imprisoning Chen Guo's petite body in his arms. The pressure was extremely strong, his vocal cords opened, and his sexual cavity vibrated: "I wasn't interested before, but now I want to know."


Chen Guo was pressed by him and couldn't move her body.

The two sides remained in a silent stalemate for a while. Chen Guo took the initiative to give in and whispered: "My husband, no, my ex-husband beat me."

"Hitting a woman? It's really tasteless."

Chen Guo never looked at Yang Yue, so she missed the flash of anger in his eyes.

Yang Yue stretched out his hand and pinched Chen Guo's full and firm genitals, and said in a casual tone: "Miss Chen, do you want me to help you teach him a lesson?"

"What?" Chen Guo glanced at him in surprise to make sure she heard correctly, but after seeing Yang Yue's expression that didn't look like he was joking, she subconsciously shook her head, "No need..."

This is her family matter and she doesn't want to involve irrelevant people.

However, what she didn't expect was that Yang Yue had a sense of justice...

Unexpectedly, even though she didn't want to admit it, Chen Guo's heart jumped slightly because of his words.

"He has already attacked you, can you still bear it?"

Yang Yue took out the cigarette case from his bag, lit one and put it in his mouth.

"Anyway, I will divorce him soon. At worst, we will never have any contact with each other."

Chen Guo leaned her head on the seat and said very calmly.

Hearing Chen Guo say that she wanted a divorce, Yang Yue stopped smoking. He glanced at Chen Guo and smiled evilly: "Divorce? Could it be because of me?"

Chen Guo looked at him speechlessly: "Stop being narcissistic. It's not because of you."

It was because her own marriage was already in trouble, and the mistress took advantage of it, that she reached this point.

And divorce is an inevitable result.

"That's good."

Yang Yue chuckled. For some reason, he felt that he was becoming more and more interested in Chen Guo.

This woman looks soft and weak on the outside, and looks like she can be manipulated by others, but he didn't expect that she has such a stubborn side in her heart.

Leaving as soon as you say it, without any reluctance or sloppiness.

For that, he appreciated it.

Chen Guo looked at the time. It was already three in the morning. She yawned: "Yang Yue, I'm tired. I have to go to work tomorrow. You should go back too."

"So heartless," Yang Yue stretched out his hand and pinched Chen Guo's pretty nose, and a deep voice came from his sexual cavity, "You're going to kick people out immediately after you're done?"

Chen Guo took a deep breath and tried not to get angry: "Then what do you want?"

She had been tormented by Yang Yue for so long, and now she was really sleepy. Moreover, she had to get up early tomorrow, and she had no extra energy to deal with him anymore.

"Go to bed when you're tired, and I'll drive."

Yang Yue took the last puff of his cigarette, threw it on the ground and stamped it out.

He simply got out of the car and changed seats with Chen Guo domineeringly.

People can't drive when they are tired, otherwise it will be dangerous, so he doesn't trust her to drive back alone tonight.


Chen Guo watched him fasten her seat belt blankly, feeling a little shocked. She didn't expect him to be quite attentive and considerate.

After giving her address, Chen Guo sat in the passenger seat and quickly fell asleep.

Yang Yue, on the other hand, drove the car at high speeds skillfully. His driving skills were always very good, and he drove steadily and made the people sitting feel very comfortable.

The next day, Chen Guo woke up in her home when her cell phone rang.

And Yang Yue left after sending her home last night.

Recalling all the times she and Yang Yue had s€x in the corner of the construction site last night, it was so exciting that her cheeks began to feel hot and her lower body felt a dull pain.

That man was so desperate when he did it, her waist was almost broken by him...

Chen Guo shook her head, dismissed the images in her mind, got up and went to the bathroom to wash up.

In the new day, she had to work hard to gain a firm footing.


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