14 Jun 2024

Addicted to F**king Her - Chapter 70

Chapter 70 : Video Room (H)

Recalling the original situation, Wen Wen was still trembling with anger. Now that he had stripped her naked and stuffed her into the car, she was even more humiliated. She glared at him and said, "Zhang Qiang! It was your family that invested in my company, but it was a business act! You have nothing to lose now that the company is profitable! Let's stop here between you and me, otherwise, I won’t be as polite to you as before! If you dare to touch me now, I will report you for r*pe! "

Zhang Qiang heard this with disdain on his face, stepped on the accelerator and drove the car to his villa. In the rearview mirror, he saw Wen Wen covering her breasts and shouting at him hysterically. Zhang Qiang suddenly shouted: "Shut up!! Business act! Your company couldn’t even get a loan! If I didn't like you, who would invest a few hundred million yuan in your family? Let’s see if your dad will kneel down and beg me if I withdraw the investment right now! You have to be obedient and let me fu*k you. Then we can still live happily together. You are my s€x slave in bed, and I can still be your licking dog in bed! If you don’t play this game with me, I'll be tired of fu*king you anyway. If we break up, I’ll lose nothing. I’ve been playing with you for so long anyway!”

Wen Xin knew in her heart that if the Zhang family withdrew its capital now, it would be a disaster for Wen's company, but the situation is much better than before. Even if he withdrew his capital and the company would be in trouble for a while, without the investment, the company could continue to operate, and It is definitely easier to attract investment than before, so she naturally didn't have as many worries. She comforted herself that she had not been in vain for so long, at least she had saved the company. 

"It's your business whether to withdraw capital or not!! But if you dare to touch me again, I will sue you for r*pe!! You don't have to tell me about the company's affairs!! But we will break up today!!" Without showing any signs of weakness, Wen Xin decided to fight him head-on. Anyway, her biggest advantage, the r*pe video had been deleted, so she had nothing to fear.

Zhang Qiang's harsh words were originally intended to scare her, but he didn't expect that she would be so tough, so he changed his tone and said with a smile: "It's okay to click the film twice. Miss Wen, don't blame me for releasing the video of making you squirt when I fu*ked you, and send it to every man you want to hook up with, including Mr. Fu just now. This video may not affect your ability to be fu*ked by a man, but I guess there won’t be anyone who will marry you after watching the video!”

Hearing this, Wen Wen was stunned in shock. It took her a while to recover, and said in a panic: "Didn't you delete the video?!"

She remembered that after she was r*ped by him, she couldn't call the police for the sake of the company, but she knew that he would invite her to his villa to fu*k her almost every night. Sometimes when she was really tired, if she didn't keep the appointment, he would go to her specially. She was fu*ked at home, but almost every time she was forced. After she figured it out, what she was most worried about was the s€x video, so she took the initiative to put on sexy lingerie to seduce him and lick his dick for the first time, talking dirty words to make him happy, acting coquettishly and begging him to delete the video.

He was also happy. Seeing her being so obedient and proactive, he immediately took out his mobile phone and deleted all the videos from that night, and repeatedly promised not to keep them. Wen Xin thought about how stupid and careless he was except for his brute strength.

Who would have thought that he would say such a thing now? Did he really keep the video back then? ! !

"I will delete it if you ask me to? You think I'm stupid!? That video is so delicious. Not only did I not delete it, I also masturbated to that video when I went abroad. I also washed out many posters and posted them in my video room. The pixels of mobile phones nowadays are so high. There is a poster that is as big as a wall after being developed, and it is not blurry. You can clearly see the urine spurting out of Miss Wen’s urethra, and her pussy was swollen after being fu*ked by me. The close-ups of Ms. Wen’s pussy are very exciting when washed out. Why don’t we go and see them together later? Zhang Qiang said with a smile to Wen Xin.

Wen Xin in the back seat was so angry that she was shaking all over, her eyes were wide open and red, and she couldn't say a word.

Seeing this, Zhang Qiang softened his attitude and coaxed softly: "Xinxin, don't you think we were very good before? As long as you figure it out, we will be harmonious in bed and out of bed. Look, I'll change as you ask. You said that I dress casually, so I wear suits and ties every day now. Even if you are not with me, I don’t dare to change into loose clothes. If you don’t let me say dirty words, won’t I also change it now? I’m taking self-study exams as an adult to supplement my academic qualifications. Don’t I listen to you except in bed? Go and inquire that I, Zhang Qiang, when I have ever listened to women. Even if you don’t like my group of friends, I Even my friends, since you don't like them, haven't I changed from meeting them every day to once a month?! As long as you behave, I promise to be more obedient and better for you!"

"Do you listen to me?! Have you ever respected me?! If you respect me, you won't take off all my clothes in public places!! So what if you change! You still can't stand on the stage!! You are still poor in your bones!! Why do you like me? Isn't it just because it gives you face to take me out! If our family hadn't been in trouble, a nouveau riche like you would never be able to touch my toes! Some things will never change even if you become rich! No!" Wen Xin glared at Zhang Qiang and said angrily.

Zhang Qiang listened to Wen Wen's scolding words, and every word pierced into the pit of his heart. He originally felt that he had gone too far today, and wanted to put down his posture and coax her, but this woman seemed to have never looked up to him from beginning to end, even though over the years, he kept changing himself in order to please her, but in her heart he was still nothing!

The hand holding the steering wheel had faint veins popping out, but Wen Wen, who was also angry, did not realize that Zhang Qiang's emotions were on the verge of exploding, and was still stimulating him. Suddenly Zhang Qiang stepped on the accelerator and increased the speed of the car. One hundred and twenty yards, he kept running through red lights and drove as fast as possible to the front of the villa.

After getting out of the car, Wen Wen, who was already frightened, was dragged out of the back seat. Regardless of the fact that she was still naked, he directly carried her on his shoulders and went straight to the video room. After entering, he turned on the giant screen. There was a big wall, and inside it was playing a scene where Wen Xin was r*ped by him, and he pinched her clitoris and tormented her hard until she squirted urine. The 3D surround sound of Wen Xin's gasping and begging for mercy kept reminding her of the horror of being r*ped, and feelings of helplessness.

Before Wen Xin saw the poster on the wall that was washed out when she was r*ped, Zhang Qiang put her on the massage chair in front of the screen. Her legs were pulled apart and placed on the armrests. Her v*gina was wide open, and Zhang Qiang even without taking off his pants, he directly opened the zipper and took out the already swollen desire. Without even bothering to do foreplay, he directly placed it on her vagina and penetrated all the way into her soft hole.


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